Thursday, March 09, 2006
That, in a word, describes how I am feeling right now.
I'm back from Singapore, and it was like I was never there. Seriously! I only saw the city for maybe a total of 7 hours. I was there for 8 days, 6 of which I spent working myself to the bone, and I feel that I worked the equivalent of 12 days. I don't recall ever having worked so hard in my entire career. Our days started at 9am, and at best, we'd end at midnight. One time we ended at 2am. Another time, we ended at 1am. Maannn, that was tough! Lunch was always brought in, which meant that we literally locked ourselves in and worked right through lunch. Dinner was whenever the thought of eating would actually enter our frazzled minds. On our first day at work there, our dinner was at midnight. I'm telling you, I lost even more brain cells when I was in Singapore. I'm talking millions here.
But, being the optimist that I am, there were great things I took home from that trip. I learned SO MUCH from our regional training director, and looking at what we've accomplished in the 6 days we worked, I can just burst with pride. It was an amazing experience, and given the chance to do it again, I am quite sure that my answer would be yes.
There's so much I want to say about my Singapore trip, but there is just too much to do. Work has piled up, and on top of that are my deliverables from this regional project. Then there are my scrapping stuff that I have to do. I managed to finish my RAKScraps mega kit contribution for March, so at least that's one thing off my hands. But I have two new kits from Robin that I must get working on, plus one for Tania, plus two more for Lynnie. And I have to start posting in the forums over at RAKScraps too, which I totally missed doing while I away!
I am drowning. And I don't even know how to swim. LOL!!!