Happy New Year to one and all!!!
Sunday, January 01, 2006
LOL! I'm not really sure why, but I've been saying that since the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve. Complete with the sweep of an arm. Even my mom thinks I'm nuts. But hey, really...Happy New Year to one and all!!! *arm sweeping* LOL!
I was thinking of writing about the year that has just passed. 2005 was such a wonderful year for me! I guess what really stands out to me is that it is the year I got married to my Mr. S. After six
long and agonizing years, I have finally become Mrs. S...and wow, what a ride it has been! I am totally loving being a wife to my husband, and married life is definitely something I'd recommend to all my friends. LOL! But I also discovered my other "loves" this year...such as digiscrapping and photography. Looking back, 2005 has given me everything I've wanted
except for maybe 10 new pairs of shoes. A fantastic husband, a supportive and loving family, a great career, 2 awesome hobbies which I seem to be good at (with a new puter and a new camera to boot!), deepened friendships, and loads of new ones.
So what does 2006 have in store for me? Who knows, really. But I am looking forward to making it an even better year than last! Oh. But you wanna know what my ultimate goal for 2006 is? Have a baby. Yep. There it is. Out in the open. I'm telling you, 2006 is THE baby making year! What fun! LOL!!! But seriously, Mr. S and I are excited to have one of our own. 2005 was our year, with each of us pampering ourselves with our own hobbies and stuff. We enter 2006 poor as paupers, but happy with all our new toys. LOL! But this new year, it'll be for the little S. I'm telling you...it's baby making or bust!
Wanna know a really stupid thing I did? It's so stupid I could cry. I told you about that wedding I went to, right? Where I said I took tons of awesome photos? Well, the photos were awesome. I already moved them from my camera to my puter, filed it in a folder and all that. Then I burned some photos in DVDs already, since it was taking up a bit of unnecessary space. Then I figured I'd erase them already since they're in the DVD. Well, as it turns out, I deleted the wedding phots WHICH WERE NOT ON THE DVD. And to make matters worse, I also deleted the photos I took last Christmas. So the only photos I have of the wedding are the ones in my previous post. Aaaarrrgh!!!! What an absolute ninny.
I need something to write about so I forget all about what an idiot I can be. OH! I am now using my brand spankin' new puter!!! Have I told you that? Hmmm, I don't think so. Man, it is soooo fast! I absolutely LOVE it! I asked Mr. S about the specs so I could brag about it, but it's all Greek to me so I've forgotten all about it. LOL! It's not yet totally complete though, because I also asked Mr. S to get me a tablet, a bluetooth thingamajiggy, and a webcam. AND he also promised to get me a new lens for my Rebel. Isn't my porky such a sweetie??? Just gotta love all that fat. LOL!!!! I want to get the 50mm with a 1.8 aperture! I've been reading the boards in some sites, and everyone's got rave reviews with this lens.
And since we're on the subject anyway, lemme share some of my recent photos with you.
Finally, here's me...wishing you all a FANTABULOUS 2006! Smoochies!!!
ok, my husband took the photo, so pardon how to have to search in the dark for me. LOL!